ReadySuite 8.2.0 is released and now available to download. We recommend all customers using previous versions update to this release to benefit from many new major features, eDiscovery scripts, performance improvements, and increased stability.

For our existing customers, with an active subscription to ReadySuite, you can upgrade to ReadySuite 8 for free. Your existing license activation for ReadySuite 7 will continue to work with ReadySuite 8.

We have made several enhancements and features as outlined below. To see a full list of changes in ReadySuite v8.2.0, view the entire release notes here.

RelativityOne Integration

This release officially supports the changes to the RelativityOne staging location. Imports to Relativity from ReadySuite will now be found under the StructuredData\Import directory in the Relativity staging area.

Chat – Project Setup

A new default project location was added to the Main Options for ReadySuite.

When creating Chat projects, the project directory will default to this location. Additionally, when entering a project name, the value will be appended to the project directory automatically as you type.

Chat – EML Export

We’ve added a new header to EML file export when using the EML (batched) option. The ‘X-CHAT-Platforms’ headed will contain the unique list of platforms included in the EML export file. For example, if a batched EML file contains both Teams and Slack data, the written header will be: X-CHAT-Platforms: Teams, Slack

Chat – Participant Names

We’ve improved the detection of participant display name values (for Sender and Recipients) from Teams HTML import files. The HTML data exported from Purview is not always consistent when providing the display name. In previous versions, participant display values could contain a GUID instead of a usable display name.

Volume Import

When switching to the Advanced mode for Volume Import, you can now specify the Document Link / ID field.

Field Detection

We’ve improved the logic behind identifying potential Link fields. In prior versions, the detected document link field may not have found a suitable field in the load file for this purpose. This could result in a field name like “CONFIDENTIAL” being set as a potential link field (because it contains ID), requiring you to select a better field for each import.  Note the list of field links for Document, Group, Native, and Text can all have their defaults set under the main options for ReadySuite.

Script – Regex Extract Value

A new script under Other Tools now allows you to run a regular expression against a source field and output the first or all regular expression matches into a destination field.

Tip: You can run multiple instances of the same script with different regular expressions when you combine these into a Script Pack.

Script – Remove Email Headers

A new script under E-Mail Tools now allows you to remove a selected list of e-mail headers from a text file or text field. For example, utilizing the Remove Email Headers script, you can remove the fields To, From, CC, BCC, Subject, Attach or Attachments from the top of extracted e-mail text files. An option is available to limit the removal of these headers to their first instance or for the whole file.

Script – Feedback and Ideas

As always, please reach out to us with any script suggestions – whether improvements to existing scripts or ideas for new scripts. Feedback can be sent directly to

Upgrade Considerations

When upgrading from ReadySuite 7 to ReadySuite 8, the installer will remove previous versions of ReadySuite during the update. Note that while ReadySuite 8 is a major version upgrade, the majority of the changes include the new chat, short message and RSMF related features. Existing functionality and workflow for features already in ReadySuite 7 remain unchanged. In short, we do not expect the major version upgrade to impact how you’re currently using ReadySuite today when considering upgrading to the latest version.