Moving on with our Introduction to ReadySuite series, we’ll be discussing new features aimed at exporting image and loose native files. From the ground up, ReadySuite is designed to support various image formats including TIFF, PDF and JPEG. Image files can be in either single or multi framed format and added using load files and/or image folders. Additionally, loose native files can be associated with their image counterpart through a delimited text file. Along with these advanced import capabilities, users can now tailor an export designed to meet their delivery requirements.
First up is conversion among image formats. You can use ReadySuite to convert single-page images to multi-page images and multi-page images to single-page images. Images can be saved in TIFF, PDF, PDF/A or a combination of TIFF and JPEG/LZW formats. For example, you can import multi-page TIFF images with LZW compression and export to PDF with color intact. Do you have a need to save color PDF files to a combination of single-page TIFF and JPEG files? All these options are handled by the export wizard. A key feature for ReadySuite was to allow flexibility with image formats, for both imports and exports.
Once the destination image format has been decided, we provide several options for the folder and file naming structure. For example, you can adjust the primary image folder to “IMAGES”, “IMG”, or leave it blank. ReadySuite gives full control on the naming convention. Image files can then be placed under an incremental folder scheme, allowing specified number of files per directory. For example, if you’re exporting 1,000 single-page images with 250 files per folder, folders “001” thru “004” will be automatically created. This is a very basic feature – but on the advanced side, we allow you to merge several fields together to create a directory structure of your choice. If you want image files to be placed under the custodians name and then under the original file extension, so be it. We extend this functionality to file naming. File names can be the original bates number or a combination of any custom fields.
Do your delivery specifications require you to deliver multi-page images with the original Excel spreadsheets? We provide the capability to accomplish this task without manually deleting files and removing entries from load files. Our loose native export functionality allows you to specify document types to exclude or include from the export process. The same advanced folder and file naming options for exporting images can be applied to exporting loose native files.
Other export options allow you to specify the volume name, load file formats, and if the new documents should be added to the grid once complete. Next up, we’ll be discussing new features aimed at document and page level numbering.