In part 1 and part 2 of our Introduction to ReadySuite, we discussed new endorsement options. Now, we’re going to introduce ways to remove those endorsements, as well as other parts of images with our trimming and redaction processes.
There are two ways to batch-redact documents using ReadySuite. The first method allows you to trim an entire portion of a page. The second method allows you to redact a region on a page and fill it with a white or black background.
For an example of the first method, you can remove 0.5” inches from the bottom portion of a page while maintaining the original page size. You can perform this operation on the top, bottom, left, or right sides. The amount to trim can be adjusted, allowing you to batch-remove 0.223” inches from the bottom of a page.
The second method to batch-redact documents is to select a region on a page and designate a fill color. We make this process easy for you with our preview control. To use it, enable selection mode, draw a region on the image, and we’ll translate those bounds into coordinates. Using this method also allows you to see where the redaction will occur on each page across all documents. For the advanced user, we offer options to manually input the start and end positions of the redaction area.
All pages are not created equally, therefore, applying document- and page-level filters allows precise control over which documents will be redacted. For example, if you have a field named “Production” with values of “Y” or “N”, you can filter for all documents with a production designation (“Y”). The page-level filters allow you to redact based on even or odd page numbers, being the first page only, or portrait and landscape orientation.
In part 4 of our series, we’ll go over new functionality allowing you to export images and native files.