Numbering Documents and Pages

You can renumber documents by either:

  • Assigning new document identifiers.
  • Renumbering all pages inside each document.

You can choose to renumber all documents in the project, filtered documents, or only the marked documents

To renumber documents in the Grid View

  1. Filter or mark the documents you want to number, if necessary.
  2. In the ReadySuite ribbon, click Process > Number Documents
  3. On the Number Method page of the Number Documents wizard, select numbering method, Number Documents and click Next.
  4. On the Number Documents page, specify the numbering scheme.
  5. To number documents according to a field value, in the Starting Number section, click the ellipsis button above Prefix.

  6. Select the field you want to use and click OK.
  7. In the General section, select Number documents by prefix.
  8. To number documents by a fixed text, in the Starting Number section, enter the text in the Prefix box.

  9. in the Starting Number section drop down list, select the character to separate the prefix and the document number.
  10. In the Counter box, type in the first number of the document.
  11. Click Start to number the documents.

To number the pages

  1. Filter or mark the documents with the pages you want to number, if necessary.
  2. In the ReadySuite ribbon, click Process > Number Documents
  3. On the Number Method page of the Number Documents wizard, select Number Pages and click Next.
  4. On the Numbering Options page, specify the numbering scheme.
  5. To number documents according to a field value, in the Starting Number section, click the ellipsis button above Prefix.

  6. Select the field you want to use and click OK.
  7. in the Starting Number section drop down list, select the character to separate the prefix and the document number.
  8. In the Counter box, type in the first number of the document.
  9. In the General section, select if you want to Number documents by prefix and Update the DOCID with the new number.
  10. Use the Reference Fields section to save the current start and end documentation numbers.
    • Start #: Saves the current BegDoc* number to this field before renumbering.
    • End # : Saves the current EndDoc* number to this field before renumbering.
  11. Click Start to number the documents.