Import Setup

The first page of all load file import wizards is the Import Setup page, where you:

  • Browse for the load file and volume folder to import.
  • Specify how documents are created and/or updated.
  • Select advanced import settings.

To complete the Import Setup page

  1. On the Import Setup page, enter or select the folder containing the load files in Load File (or click Browse and navigate to it).
  2. Select the Encoding to be used.
  3. Enter or select the Data Path (or click Browse and navigate to it).
  4. Select the Overwrite Mode to indicate how load files are created and/or uploaded:
    • Create Only: Allows only new load files to be uploaded to the ReadySuite project.
    • Overlay Only: Requires load files to overlay to an existing load file in the ReadySuite project.
    • Create/Overlay: Enables new load files and those matching an existing load file in the ReadySuite project.
  5. Select a Link Field to enable overlaying. By default, the link field is set to DocID* which matches the DocID* column on the Document Grid View. Most useful after an import (merging load files together). The DocID* field always has a value populated in ReadySuite.
  6. Specify any advanced import settings you want applied from the following :
    • Inline Text: If you are importing image files with your load file and you also want ReadySuite to find any inline text files (text file name matching image file name), enable this option.
    • Append: Select to enable appending existing values using a [selected character] as a separator.
    • Duplicates: When enabled, duplicate values are processed, and can be overlaid onto existing records. If a duplicate document identifier value is found reading the import file, and this option is cleared, a warning is logged to identify the duplicate.
  7. Click Next.